
The Financial Times toughens its stance against ad blockers

After running ad-blocking experiments last July to a select group, the Financial Times has blocked content for all registered users with ad blockers installed. - - 05/05/2017

Snapchat tira la caña a anunciantes de todos los tamaños con su nueva plataforma de autoservicio

Snap pone a disposición de los anunciantes múltiples y sencillas maneras de acceder a su inventario publicitario, que va desde los vídeos a los geofiltros patrocinados. - - 05/05/2017

RTL creates new international video sales house AdConnect

European broadcaster RTL is relaunching its IP Network international ad sales house as RTL AdConnect, offering advertisers a new “total video” proposition across TV and digital. - - 05/05/2017

Snap Ads Max Reach is Snapchat’s version of the home page takeover

For one day, advertisers can get their vertical video ads seen by all US viewers of Snapchat’s various Stories formats. - - 05/05/2017

Facebook está probando una nueva dinámica en el feed de noticias

Facebook sigue intentando potenciar la dinámica del feed de noticias, probando diferentes opciones que puedan cautivar el interés de los usuarios. - - 05/05/2017

AppNexus leads adtech consortium to enable ‘people -based marketing’ rivaling Facebook and Google’s duopoly

An adtech consortium including AppNexus, LiveRamp and MediaMath has today been launched, which claims it will help advertisers better target users across screens using programmatic. - - 04/05/2017

P&G Shakes Up Tech Providers Behind Global Programmatic Buying

It is breaking up duties for its seven-year-old Hawkeye programmatic digital-media-buying operation as it looks to save at least $1 billion annually on media spending and $500 million more from agency and production fees globally over five years. - - 04/05/2017

TV conectada, Header Bidding y vídeo o el futuro convertido en presente gracias a SpotX

El vídeo ha conseguido erigirse como uno de los formatos publicitarios que mejores resultados reporta en el mundo de la publicidad digital - - 04/05/2017

Over half of online adspend will track users across devices by 2020

Cross-device audience ID matching, which can match online users across their smartphone, tablet and computers, is forecast to make up over half of UK online adspend by 2020. - - 04/05/2017

Cómo usa Netflix el big data y lo que marcas y empresas pueden aprender de ello

El poder de la personalización para llegar a más consumidores. Usar los datos y su análisis para prevenir pérdidas y tomar decisiones estratégicas. La regla de los 13 segundos - - 04/05/2017
