
Instagram Stories roba usuarios a Snapchat

No sólo es importante ser el primero. Además de llegar antes, hay que saber mantenerse y ser el mejor. Siempre. - - 31/01/2017

Google Partners With Security Firm Cloudflare to Deliver Instant Ads

Ad blockers received a good portion of their momentum from consumers' bad ad experience online, including malvertising and slow-loading ads. Now Google is promoting a new tool that it says will serve ads safely and near instantaneously. - - 31/01/2017

Facebook will announce its fourth-quarter earnings this week — here’s what to expect

During Facebook's Q3 earnings call, CFO Dave Wehner told investors to brace for a "meaningful" slowdown in revenue growth rates and for "aggressive" investment spending in 2017. - - 31/01/2017

10 canales de Youtube para aprender sobre ciencia

Hemos escogido 10: 1. Minute Physics: Con más de 3,5 millones de subscriptores, este canal nos ofrece clarísimas explicaciones sobre temas muy curiosos relacionados con la física - - 31/01/2017

Twitter sigue siendo la red social preferida para hablar de los programas de la televisión

Los usuarios siguen usando Twitter para hablar de los programas de la tele - - 30/01/2017

P&G Tells Digital to Clean Up, Lays Down New Rules for Agencies and Ad Tech to Get Paid

The nation's and world's biggest advertiser, is laying down the law for digital media players and agencies in a five-point program that will take effect this year as outlined by Chief Brand Officer - - 30/01/2017

IAB: Tough To Prove ROI With Data-Driven Campaigns

Proving ROI remains one challenge in a long list of obstacles cited by marketers in the study compiled by the Winterberry Group. Lack of internal experience for functions and operations at 45% in 2017 vs. 35% in 2016. - - 30/01/2017

'90%' of advertisers are reviewing their programmatic ad contracts as they look for more transparency

A study from the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) found that nearly 90% of the advertisers it polled are reviewing their programmatic advertising contracts and demanding more control and transparency. - - 30/01/2017

Intereconomía podría perder la marca ‘La Gaceta’, embargada por decisión judicial

Alfonso Arteseros es el dueño de la marca La Gaceta, el digital que actualmente edita el Grupo Intereconomía tras el cierre de su edición en papel en diciembre de 2013 - - 30/01/2017

La fiscalía alemana registra las oficinas de Eyeo, la matriz del célebre bloqueador Adblock Plus

Nuevo episodio en la guerra sin cuartel que mantienen desde hace tiempo la editorial alemana Axel Springer y Eyeo, la empresa desarrolladora del celebérrimo (y utilizadísimo) bloqueador de publicidad Adblock Plus - - 30/01/2017
