
Snapchat quiere tirarse a la piscina bursátil con un valor de 25.000 millones de dólares

Snap, la matriz de la celebérrima app de mensajería Snapchat, lo tiene todo preparado para debutar en los mercados bursátiles, donde aterrizará previsiblemente en la primavera de 2017. - - 07/10/2016

What Brands Should Know About Facebook's New Virtual Reality Web Browser

Facebook has been doing yearly Oculus events ever since it bought the virtual reality headset in 2014 for $2 billion, calling it the platform of the future. - - 07/10/2016

Verizon reportedly wants a $1 billion discount on Yahoo deal because of the huge hacking scandal

The report says that Verizon believes Yahoo's value has been "diminished," while Yahoo has pushed against the idea of a discount. - - 07/10/2016

Attention Metrics: Bloomberg Media Sells Digital Ads Based on Audience Engagement

Although the majority of Bloomberg Media’s digital advertising is bought and sold through the widely used CPM model, the publishing company also proactively reports time-based metrics to its advertisers. - - 07/10/2016

CEO Iger Sees Disney's Future in Mobile Video, Technology

Walt Disney Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger said the company's future lies in using technology to make more direct connections to consumers, although he declined to say whether he was interested in buying Twitter or Netflix. - - 07/10/2016

El beneficio de Vozpópuli supera por primera vez al de

Y es que el digital propiedad de Jesús Cacho logró aumentar sus ingresos un 22% el año pasado respecto a 2014, hasta alcanzar los 2,43 millones de euros. - - 07/10/2016

Salesforce Prepares Twitter Bid

Twitter will begin reviewing bids from potential buyers as early as this week, and as expected Salesforce will be in the front ranks of bidders, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, - - 06/10/2016

TV Might Be Everywhere -- But Viewers Aren't

The percentage of U.S. homes with DVRs has been hovering around 50% for several years.  It may never hit 60%. People with multimedia devices are using them more and more, but these devices are also still in less than one-quarter of homes - - 06/10/2016

El director de agencias de España de Instagram desvela las claves de la red social

Para conocer cuáles son sus objetivos, qué estrategias están empleando para alcanzarlos y descubrir un poco más de su historia, T2O media realizó una entrevista a Beltrán Seoane, director de agencias de España de Instagram. - - 06/10/2016

Rubicon Poaches Google Exec in Race to Bring Header Bidding to Apps, Video

An ad tech veteran who spent more than three years in Shanghai working with Google's engineering team is now coming stateside to join Rubicon Project as its chief product and engineering officer, a newly created role consolidating - - 06/10/2016
