
iPad HD, un dolor de cabeza para los anunciantes

Si bien el formato de visualización del nuevo iPad ha sido bien recibido por los consumidores, está causando problemas a algunos anunciantes móviles que aún no están preparados o no son capaces de ofrecer contenidos en una resolución - - 15/05/2012

Ross Levinsohn May Be Just the CEO Madison Ave's Been Waiting For

Digital media execs optimistic about Yahoo. Score one for Team Media at Yahoo, which finally seems to have won the ad world's blessing with the interim appointment of Ross Levinsohn as CEO. While relieved - - 15/05/2012

Facebook Adoption High, Ad Rates Low in Spain

While usage is high, ad rates in Spain are lower than the worldwide average. Even though users in Spain are evenly split by gender, men garnered more revenue on a per-click basis than women. According to April 2012 - - 15/05/2012

Microsoft Advertising explores the cross screen mix

Microsoft Advertising and media agency Space have teamed up to launch a piece of research, the Cross Screen Planner, that aims to help advertisers achieve the best balance between TV and online. - - 15/05/2012

Tablet devices will generate more web traffic than smartphones by 2013

Tablet devices will generate more web traffic than smartphones by early 2013, and consumers find browsing websites on tablets nearly as engaging as on PCs, according to predictions following the latest Adobe® - - 15/05/2012

Twitter se convierte en periódico con su nuevo servicio de alertas

Después de hacerse con el servicio Summify, que recopila todas las noticias de las redes sociales para resumirlas en una mucho más simple y visual, accesible desde el móvil, el correo electrónico o la propia Web, - - 15/05/2012

Facebook eleva el precio de su salida a Bolsa

La demanda de acciones de facebook de cara a su salida a Bolsa es tan alta que la empresa ha decidido elevar la banda de precios a entre 34 y 38 dólares por título, informan hoy varios medios estadounidenses. - - 15/05/2012

Does Yahoo even know how to be a modern media company?

Now that Yahoo has managed to make its way through yet another CEO shuffle — its sixth in just five years — the former portal has to get back to the main task at hand: namely, figuring out what its future looks like. - - 14/05/2012

Facebook Gets Earful on How to Spend IPO Cash

Ad world says search, data and mobile should be its priorities post IPO. Facebook already runs ads according to search results, but a robust search engine would refine the process—so that a query for “coke” - - 14/05/2012

YouTube's Video Views Are Falling -- By Design

Clicks Are Out, Engagement Is In as Video Service Goes Longer-Format to Conquer the Couch. YouTube is getting smaller in a metric that used to mean everything: views. "Our goal is we want users to watch more - - 14/05/2012
