
El servicio español de vídeo YouZee se abre a todo el público

Sigue en beta, como casi todos los servicios web que quieren mantener un halo de mejora continua, pero ya no es necesario solicitar una invitación para ver películas en YouZee. El videoclub de Internet nació en España el 11 de diciembre - - 20/04/2012

Orange Advertising Network to sell BSkyB online ads across Europe

BSkyB has appointed Orange Advertising Network to sell its European inventory outside of its home markets of the UK & Ireland, as it looks to boost its display ad sales across Europe. Orange Advertising - - 20/04/2012

From Clicks to Completion: Online Video Ad Effectiveness

New technology and creative thinking will foster deeper ad engagement from viewers. With video advertising the fastest-growing online ad format, brands need to pay close attention to their video ad campaigns. - - 20/04/2012

Advertisers follow consumers mobile media habits

Advertisers are flocking to in-app advertising to cash in on the boom of the app ecosystem according to Strategy Analytics. The latest Global Mobile Media Forecast shows that in-app advertising reached $1.7bn - - 20/04/2012

Forecast: Mobile content, ad sales will hit $67 billion in 2012

Mobile media content is going centre-stage. So much so that, in 2012, global revenue from mobile advertising and content will hit $67 billion, according to a new Strategy Analytics forecast. That is the remainder - - 20/04/2012

Un 69% de los consumidores pagaría por ver vídeos en Internet

El 69% de los consumidores estaría dispuesto a pagar por ver vídeos por Internet siempre que estos servicios fueran de alta calidad y con poca publicidad, según los resultados de la encuesta de la consultora Accenture realizada en España, - - 19/04/2012

DG lanza una plataforma publicitaria de video de doble pantalla

Permite a los dispositivos que se ejecutan en segundas pantallas, como los smartphones y las tabletas, reconocer automáticamente el contenido que se está emitiendo en la televisión. Esta plataforma es el resultado de un acuerdo previo - - 19/04/2012

Google shutting out rivals, claims Russian search engine Yandex

Yandex co-founder says US tech giant is 'semi-open', criticising its Android smartphone platform and Chrome web browser. Responding to comments made to the Guardian by Sergey Brin, the Google co-founder, - - 19/04/2012

Facebook Beefs Up Ad Analytics

Adds detailed metrics, attribution window. Advertisers are spending a lot more money on Facebook, and naturally they want to know more about how their paid campaigns are performing. So Facebook is doing - - 19/04/2012

Spotify partners with Coke to expand international reach

Spotify unveiled a global partnership with Coca Cola Wednesday that it says will greatly expand its international reach and exposure, giving it a boost similar to the way its Facebook integration has supercharged - - 19/04/2012
