
Agencies plan to cut back on Cannes costs

WPP to its network of agencies, calling for expense accounts to be cut by 25%. Dentsu Aegis also expects its delegation to Cannes will be "significantly reduced" from the 350 people it sent last year. Interpublic is planning to cut costs by 10% - - 29/05/2017

Alguien robó la corona informativa a la TV y los diarios (y fueron los social media)

Puede que estén absolutamente infestadas de “fake news”, pero las redes sociales son ya la fuente informativa más relevante (y lo son a nivel mundial). Así lo concluye al menos un reciente estudio de la agencia Golin y la E A de P - - 29/05/2017

La batalla entre Google y Facebook se endurece por los Instant Articles

The Guardian y The New York Times son sólo dos de los muchos editores que se han retirado del programa para la creación de artículos instantáneos - - 29/05/2017

Here are all the times Facebook has copied Snapchat so far

The result is that Facebook's family of standalone apps — Instagram, Messenger, core Facebook, and even WhatsApp — look much more like Snapchat than they did one year ago. - - 28/05/2017

Muere Genaro Delgado Parker, pionero de la televisión comercial de Perú

El empresario Genaro Delgado Parker, fundador del canal Panamericana Televisión y de la emisora Radio Programas del Perú (RPP), falleció hoy en Lima a los 87 años, según informaron los medios locales. - - 28/05/2017

Facebook Advertisers Can Now Create Lookalike Audiences Based on Customer Lifetime Value

Facebook has incorporated customer lifetime value into its custom audiences, thereby enabling advertisers to create lookalike audiences using that information. - - 27/05/2017

Google just launched a GIF maker to make your data look better

To make a data gif with Google's new tool, simply add two terms, their titles, and an additional description (for our test, we used data from a 2014 study about how people pronounce internet terms): - - 27/05/2017

La Casa Blanca supervisará la cuenta de Twitter de Trump

Un equipo de abogados someterá a revisión previa los mensajes que el presidente publica en la red social, a menudo polémicos - - 27/05/2017

Study Shows 3% Of Sources Cause 68% Of Ad Fraud

A new study by fraud detection company Fraudlogix finds that a majority of ad fraud is concentrated in a small percentage of sources within the real-time bidding (RTB) programmatic market. - - 27/05/2017

Snapchat is wooing ad buyers with discount coupons and bonuses

Snap needs to show good results in the second quarter, and it’s looking to goose its ad business with offers of discounts and incentives to ad buyers. - - 27/05/2017
