
Brands need local approach to reputation

Brands are global, but corporate reputation is local, according to MSLGROUP, the Publicis-owned PR network. In The Reputation Impact Indicator, based on more than 26,000 interviews across ten countries - - 08/06/2015

5 Things Editors and Publishers Can Do to Survive Digital Disruption

The mediascape is so competitive and fractured these days, you can't not be in sync with your publisher—across all channels. And, man, there are a lot of channels. It's like we're DirecTV. - - 08/06/2015

Digital Investors Say 'Show Me the Money' on Mobile

Money management has gotten way more mobile, and April 2015 polling by Research Now for E*trade found that active digital investors relied frequently on mobile to manage and monitor their investments and the market. - - 08/06/2015

Una valla digital de Fiat ayuda a aparcar

Fiat ha instalado en Frankfurt una sorprendente valla exterior digital que ofrece instrucciones a los conductores para ayudar con una de las maniobras que suele dar más quebraderos de cabeza: el aparcamiento. - - 08/06/2015

Anunciarse en programas con mucho “buzz” social tiene más beneficios que el prime time

Los anuncios de Microsoft que se emitieron durante en programas televisivos con mucho “buzz” social  tuvieron cinco veces más menciones en Twitter, según un estudio realizado por Nielsen. - - 07/06/2015

Google admite que se ha equivocado con Europa, no es lo mismo que EEUU

Una de las principales razones por las que la compañía ha llegado finalmente a esta controvertida conclusión, son las diversas acusaciones provenientes de la misma Unión Europea contra Google - - 07/06/2015

Twitter investor: Buying Twitter makes sense for Facebook, Google, Alibaba or Microsoft

Early Twitter investor Chris Sacca said on Friday that if the social network eventually pursued a sale, Facebook, Google, Alibaba or Microsoft would benefit most from acquiring it. - - 07/06/2015

Netflix hace tambalear el modelo de negocio de la BBC

En el Reino Unido los ciudadanos pagan 145,50 libras anuales de licencia de televisión y les permite tener acceso a todos los servicios de la BBC en el país que incluyen los canales de televisión, emisoras de radio, - - 07/06/2015

Kuwait takes three television channels off the air

Kuwait's Ministry of Information has canceled the licenses of three television channels operated by a media group which also owns a newspaper known for speaking out against the government, state news agency KUNA said. - - 07/06/2015

Media360: Outdoor 'wins' battle of big media

Outdoor advertising is the new smart medium for 2015, Media360 was told this afternoon, as representatives of each major media platform went head-to-head. - - 06/06/2015
