
Spotify hits 2.5m paying subscribers

Spotify has announced that it has signed up 2.5m paying subscribers, driven by its recent partnership with Facebook. - - 23/11/2011

MEDIA Names CMA Finalists: MediaCom Scores 7, Mediahub 5

MEDIA magazine has announced the finalists for its 2011 Creative Media Awards. Fifty-four campaigns in 18 categories ranging from new and emerging media categories to conventional media - - 22/11/2011

Qantas shortlists global creative and media agencies

Qantas has shortlisted four agencies for its global creative account, leaving lead ad agency M&C Saatchi out of the running, and has listed three candidate agencies for its global media account. - - 22/11/2011

Conde Nast se suma a la moda de los “ad exchange” privados

El grupo editorial Conde Nast, propietario de revistas como The New Yorker y Vanity Fair, ha lanzado un “ad exchange” privado para vender los espacios publicitarios no contratados de sus cabeceras - - 21/11/2011

Kinetic To Media: No 'Eyes On,' No Ad Budget

In a move that could drop thousands of smaller out-of-home media suppliers from its 2012 media plans, Kinetic, the largest buyer of out-of-home media in the world, says it will no longer place buys with suppliers - - 21/11/2011

Former Posterscope President, Finance Director Charged WIth Fraud

Todd Hansen, the former president of Posterscope USA, the Aegis Group out-of-home ad shop, has been charged by the U.S. Attorney General’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation with accounting - - 21/11/2011

El Congreso de EEUU sigue adelante con su polémica 'Ley Sinde' pese a las críticas

Los sitos web del navegador Firefox, la red social Tumblr o el portal de noticias Reddit amanecieron el miércoles 'censuradas'. El contenido de sus páginas de inicio estaba bloqueado, - - 19/11/2011

Las paradas de autobús se convierten en “centros comerciales” por obra y gracia de los códigos QR

La frustrante tarea de esperar a un autobús que parece no llegar nunca es ahora más “llevadera” gracias a una nueva iniciativa publicitaria del portal de comercio electrónico HMV y la productora Fox. HMV - - 19/11/2011

Google+ Pages to Test Third-Party Social Media Tools

A week after unveiling Google+ pages for brands and businesses, Google has invited a handful of social media management companies to test integration of Google+ in their tools. The six - - 18/11/2011

Optimedia gana los 100 millones de dólares de la cuenta de medios de Bridgestone

Bridgestone ha seleccionado a Optimedia para llevar su cuenta de medios global de 100 millones de dólares. Optimedia de Publicis Groupe, llevará la compra de medios y la planificación para Bridgestone, - - 18/11/2011
