
Starcom Mediavest Group Spins Off Spark Into Third Agency Network

Publicis Groupe's Starcom MediaVest Group is tripling up on the new-business front with ambitions to turn Spark, its small and quiet media offering, into a viable third shop. Clients that will move from - - 14/02/2012

News International moves to reassure advertisers in The Sun

News International is seeking to reassure key advertisers and agencies that it is business as usual at The Sun, despite rising tensions following staff arrests at the weekend. Media Week understands - - 14/02/2012

Greek broadcaster blasts closure of Leo Burnett Athens

Greek broadcaster Antenna has criticised Maurice Lévy's Publicis Groupe for shutting a local advertising agency, claiming it will cost media owners millions in payments for TV and radio campaigns - - 13/02/2012

Los anuncios de los Premios Grammy costaron 800.000 dólares cada uno

La Super Bowl tuvo su particular desfile de apariciones de artistas este año pero el verdadero espectáculo de marketing musical son los Premios Grammy. La edición de 2011 en la CBS fue vista por 26.6 millones de espectadores,su mayor índice de audiencia en 11 años - - 13/02/2012

Un review fortalece lazos entre Rupert Murdoch y Martin Sorrell

Los lazos entre News International, de Rupert Murdoch, y el grupo WPP, de Martin Sorrell se han fortalecido después de la decisión de NI de otorgar su cuenta de publicidad de 55 millones de dólares al holding británico. - - 13/02/2012

Blinkx to power AOL video search

AOL is expanding its video offering having selected online video engine Blinkx to power its video search results. The partnership will see Blinkx incorporate AOL’s premium - - 13/02/2012

Super Bowl Ads Generate $11 Million in Free Media Impressions

Kantar Video study sees huge upside in postgame play. Online views have effectively returned a huge chunk of Honda's Super Bowl investment, as the automaker earned itself some $ - - 13/02/2012

MySpace gains 1m more users since acquisition

MySpace is to announce that it has gained an extra million users since Specific Media bought the ailing social network from News International last June. According to reports, the - - 13/02/2012

Grammy ad rates reach $800,000 per spot

After the average ad cost $621,000 last year, this year's rates are closer to $800,000 per 30-second spot, two media-buying execs familiar with this year's rates told Billboard. - - 13/02/2012

Marin Secures $30 Million, Plans Expansion

Marin Software plans to announce Monday that it has secured $30 million in venture capital funding from Temasek, an investment company in Asia, and SAP Ventures, the VC arm of - - 13/02/2012
